Friday Jan 30th
1. PLYOS ONLY 2. CT pace on the Rick Haschel 10k course Make sure to get ready and get out quickly so that you can get back in a reasonable amount of time. 3. Stretch out
1. PLYOS ONLY 2. CT pace on the Rick Haschel 10k course Make sure to get ready and get out quickly so that you can get back in a reasonable amount of time. 3. Stretch out
1. Plyo and Core routine 2. Jog to Pablanos Tempo from Pablanos down the road into the undertow parking area to the Pandhandle trail continue tempo onto the trail back to Pablanos then jog back to school 3. Stretch out
1. Plyo and Core routines 2. Indian run on the Rick Haschel Memorial 5k Course. jog to course runners keep 5 – 10 feet back from each other trailing runner sprints to front of line. repeat for entire 5k course …